Senate Minority Leader Eric H. Kearney and House Minority Leader Armond Budish
sent the following letter to Secretary of State Jon Husted today urging him to
remain neutral on the Voters First redistricting reform ballot issue while his
office verifies the organization’s petitions.
July 31, 2012
The Honorable
Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary
of State
180 E. Broad
St., 16th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Columbus, Ohio 43215
We are writing
to express our deep concern about comments you made regarding the Voters First
initiative petition, which is currently under review by the Secretary of
State’s office for placement on the November ballot. In the Plain Dealer
(July 1, 2012) and on subsequent occasions you stated publicly that you do not
believe it is the solution for Ohio’s deeply flawed process for drawing
congressional and legislative districts.
As the
statewide officer charged with ensuring our elections are fair and unbiased, we
believe it is highly inappropriate and irresponsible for you to comment on the
merits of this, or any initiative or referendum, while your office is verifying
signatures. We believe your neutrality is absolutely necessary given the fact
you just participated in the redistricting process that would be replaced by
this ballot issue. If the certification of the petition is denied, your
comments will have created the appearance of impropriety and self-interest in
the performance of your duties. This is a charge all public servants
should do their best to avoid.
In addition to
placing in doubt the objectivity of your office during the petition
verification process, we believe the best course for our chief elections
officer is to not endorse any position on a ballot issue. When Ken Blackwell
was Secretary of State and served simultaneously as the Bush re-election
campaign chairperson, it created the appearance of unfairness from our
chief elections officer. Just as poll workers cannot campaign at the
polling place, we do not feel it is in the best interest of Ohioans for their
chief elections officer to campaign for or against a ballot issue.
We urge you to
refrain from making further comments against Voters First until a review of the
petitions is completed. We would welcome your future neutrality on ballot
issues after they are set for the ballot and until voters have their say.
Eric H. Kearney Armond Budish
Leader, Ohio Senate Minority
Leader, Ohio House of Representatives
9th Senate District 8th House District