
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ohio Senate Passes Senator Morano's Turfgrass Bill

COLUMBUS – The Ohio Senate voted unanimously to pass SB 51, a bill sponsored by Senator Sue Morano (D-Lorain) that calls attention to a growing industry in Ohio.
SB 51 designates the last week in May as “Ohio Turfgrass Week.” This is the second bill introduced by Senator Morano that has passed the Senate this year with unanimous bipartisan support.

“It is important for us to recognize and spread awareness about the many economic, educational and environmental benefits of this growing industry in Ohio,” said Senator Morano. “Governor Strickland has urged us to develop legislation that will stimulate job growth in Ohio and SB 51 is a good step forward.”

To view Senator Morano's floor speech on SB 51, click here.

The Turfgrass industry has an economic impact on Ohio’s economy of more than $4 Billion and is responsible for helping create 68,000 jobs. Turfgrass is also a truly ‘green’ product that has many positive environmental effects.

Some examples of the positive aspects of Turfgrass are:

  • On a block of eight average homes, front laws with Turfgrass have a cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning.
  • Turfgrass absorbs pollutants such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide and converts them to oxygen.
  • Turfgrass prevents soil erosion through strategic placement in agriculture fields, filters contaminants from rainwater and reduces runoff.

In addition, Ohio has become an international leader in Turfgrass research thanks to work being done at The Ohio State University.