Friday, October 23, 2009
Senator Cafaro Applauds Effort to Revitalize Ohio's Auto Industry
Columbus — Senate Democratic Leader Capri S. Cafaro is pleased with the recommendations contained in a report issued by the Joint Select Committee on the Impact of the Changing Automobile Industry in Ohio. Senator Cafaro was a member of the bipartisan legislative committee that held five hearings throughout the state to meet with auto workers, manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, labor leaders and elected officials.
“The Committee took a close look at all aspects of the auto industry,” said Senator Cafaro. “After hearing compelling and sometimes emotional testimony, we came up with recommendations which I hope will help revitalize an important part of Ohio’s economy.”
The Committee’s final report incorporates Senator Cafaro’s recommendation that the General Assembly adopt a concurrent resolution to urge Congress to take up the issue of bankruptcy reform as it pertains to protecting pensions and health benefits.
“The situation facing Delphi retirees shows the urgent need for reform to ensure retirees receive the pensions they deserve after many years of hard work,” said Senator Cafaro. “This issue requires changes on the federal level and I hope Congress will take swift action to protect workers when companies restructure their pension funds.”
The Committee’s report also makes the following recommendations:
*Designate an Auto Development Director within the Ohio Department of Development to streamline regulations and serve as a central point of contact for the auto industry.
*Restructure Ohio’s Job Retention Tax Credit and Job Creation Tax Credit so they are refundable and available to smaller suppliers.
*Retool worker training programs to allow more flexibility and better partnerships with development programs.
*Update Ohio’s motor vehicle dealership laws.
The automotive industry touches every corner of the state accounting for 20% of all manufacturing activity in Ohio. Automotive related manufacturing businesses can be found in 76 of 88 counties.