
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Senate Democrats React to U.S. Supreme Court Order on Early Voting

Columbus—Today, Senate Minority Leader Eric H. Kearney and members of the Senate Democratic Caucus released the following statements after the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed that all Ohioans should have equal access to the polls for early voting.  The Caucus had filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to deny an appeal by Secretary of State Jon Husted that would have stopped most Ohioans from being able to vote on the last three days before the election.

Sen. Eric H. Kearney
Senate Minority Leader (D-Cincinnati)

“I am tremendously pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court has protected the right to vote for all Ohioans.  It’s unconscionable that Republicans leaders in this state went to such lengths to deny equal access to the polls.  The votes of Ohioans should decide the outcome of this election, not the machinations of those who would suppress the vote.  Now that Ohioans once again have the opportunity to vote on the last three days before the election, I encourage them to do so.”

Sen. Joe Schiavoni
Assistant Minority Leader (D-Boardman)

“With such an incredibly important election this November, the Supreme Court’s ruling will help alleviate confusion and give every person who wants to vote early the ability to do so.”

Sen. Nina Turner
Minority Whip (D-Cleveland)

“Today we saw the Supreme Court do the right thing and side with Ohio’s voters. While I am pleased with the outcome, it should not have taken Secretary Husted two appeals to learn what Ohio voters have known since 2006. There is no place for gamesmanship when it comes to the ballot box. It’s time to let the people vote.  Now that all voters have these opportunities, it is imperative that we use them. All the early voting hours in the world are meaningless if no one casts their ballot.”

Sen. Edna Brown
Assistant Minority Whip (D-Toledo)

“By rejecting Secretary Husted’s appeal for a final time, the Supreme Court has sided with working Ohioans across our state by expanding their opportunities to vote in the upcoming election. I hope this decision sends a signal to policy makers that access to the polls should never be arbitrarily limited for partisan gain.”

Sen. Capri S. Cafaro (D-Hubbard)

“I am pleased to see the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the lower court’s decision to protect Ohioans right to cast their votes early. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and should never be curtailed.”

Sen. Charleta Tavares (D-Columbus)

"The Supreme Court has upheld the people's rights to a fair and uninterrupted early voting process. This decision reinforces our goal to enfranchise and expand voting opportunities in Ohio."

Sen. Tom Sawyer (D-Akron)

“Early voting is something that is extremely important to the working people across Ohio.  Providing those extra days and hours provides people the opportunity to exercise their right to vote during an important election season.  The decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court was fair and just.”

Sen. Shirley Smith (D-Cleveland)

“As the saying goes, the third time’s a charm.  Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear Secretary Husted’s appeal, I am relieved that he did not waste time issuing a directive for standardized early-voting hours during the three days before Election Day on November 6.  These Republican shenanigans have run their course, and they have exposed their party’s insincerity about fair elections and the rule of law. Through yesterday, 12,018 voters in Cuyahoga County had taken advantage of early voting at the Board of Elections - a 19% increase from the same time in 2008.  With every passing day, more voters are casting ballots, and we have every reason to expect this trend to continue straight through Election Day.”

Sen. Lou Gentile (D-Steubenville)

“This decision is a tremendous victory for the voters and citizens of Ohio.  Voting is the most fundamental right we have in our nation.  The courts decision reaffirms that voter suppression efforts in Ohio will not be tolerated.”

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