Monday, August 16, 2010

Senator Smith Introduces Legislation to Expand Records Sealing Laws and Protect Ohio Businesses

Bipartisan Bill Would Help End Cycle of Recidivism

ColumbusSenator Shirley Smith (D-Cleveland) issued the following statement today following the introduction of Senate Bill 291. The legislation expands Ohio’s records sealing laws to those with multiple convictions and protects Ohio businesses from lawsuits based on sealed records.

“Currently, only first time offenders are eligible to apply to have their records sealed. My bill would allow non-violent offenders with multiple offenses to apply to seal their records. To be eligible, they must be clean for the last five years after prison, probation, or any other form of post-release control. Additionally, it is important to note that violent crimes and official Offenses of Violence are not eligible for sealing under my legislation.

“The stigma of criminal records makes it difficult for reformed offenders to fully integrate back into society. I believe that expanding the opportunity to seal certain offenses will help ex-offenders find employment, allow them to support themselves and their families, and increase the economic productivity of the state.

“I understand that some Ohio businesses are apprehensive of expanding records sealing laws, because they want to know as much as possible about job applicants. Fear of hiring employees with a criminal record – no matter how dated it may be –prevents many honest, industrious Ohioans from securing jobs and careers because of foolish mistakes made when they were younger. That is why I included provisions in this bill to protect businesses from being sued based on sealed records.

“This legislation is important to me because I have faith in redemption. All people make mistakes, but I believe that they can successfully and permanently turn their lives around. When someone finishes paying his due to society, he should not suffer through that stigmatization for the rest of his life. We need to give these people a second chance and let them know the conditions for that opportunity.”

The Caucus

Minority Leader Eric H. Kearney - Cincinnati - 9th District
Assistant Minority Leader Joe Schiavoni - Canfield - 33rd District
Minority Whip Nina Turner - Cleveland - 25th District
Assistant Minority Whip Edna Brown - Toledo - 11th District
Senator Tom Sawyer - Akron - 28th District
Senator Charleta B. Tavares - Columbus - 15th District
Senator Shirley Smith - Cleveland - 21st District
Senator Michael J. Skindell - Cleveland - 23rd District
Senator Lou Gentile - Steubenville - 30th District
Senator Capri S. Cafaro - Hubbard - 32nd District

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